Media kit

Bookers: The images and videos on this page are free for your use in promoting Strange Souls’ appearance at your venue.  We only ask that you credit the photographer as noted.  If you need a different size or desire a different image that you may have seen on social media or the Strange Souls Band website, please contact Jacquie at 301-503-4533.


Facebook sized promotion: Style 1 (1200x629)
(Photo Courtesy Alfie Moore)
Facebook (1200x629)

Facebook (1200x629)

Click here to open full size file
Facebook sized promotion: Style 2 (1200x629)
(Photo Courtesy Michael Virts)
Facebook sized promotion: Style 2 (1200x629)Click here to open full size file
Poster (8.5x11)
(Photo Courtesy Michael Virts)
Click here to open full size file
Stage plot Click here to open full size file

Book Strange Souls

  • 301.503.4533

Get socialized with us

Thanks to Jevina Lindsey for photos.
Thanks to Michael V for photos.
Thanks to Alfie Moore for photos.
Thanks to Chad Tru for photos.
Thanks to Todd Stowell.